Sunday, February 9, 2014

Theme from "Valley of the Dolls".

One night years ago after drinking at the student bar, the one person from Iowa I knew confessed not only that she loved the "Valley of the Dolls" movie ever since seeing it as a kid in her mom's trailer and being forbidden to watch it, but also that she had the DVD at home from Netflix...

...and so we went to her place and watched it over a sixpack and then watched her other movie out from Netflix, the original Hairspray!

Anyhow, a few months ago, for some reason I remembered this, and texted her about that (she's in Pennsylvania, now), to which she replied -

Ha! I bought the Valley of the Dolls soundtrack on vinyl LP at a Salvation Army a few weeks ago.

- and then after a text about how I liked the theme from "Ebony"  she texted back -

Great song too

- and then after I talked about how much I liked that song and Valley of the Dolls etc. she texted back -

You're drunk.  You've just used tge phrase "profoundly moving" twice.  Once in reference to Patty Duke in Valley of the Dolls

. . .

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