Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Odd dream...

I dreamt that I was in my darkened childhood bedroom at night as an adult, and through the door I can see lights coming from the living room. 

It's Christmas time, and my parents and my one uncle (my dad's younger brother) are around the TV watching a Handel oratorio, which I know is named something like "The Angelic Oratorio."

I'm then downstairs in the dining room, and my parents and my uncle are around the table talking post-oratorio, and my uncle asks me if I know what the name is, and I tell him.

Only, for some reason it's not my uncle (my dad's youngest brother), but rather my other uncle (my mom's older brother).

Later, I'm flipping through a campus newspaper and there's a large pull-out section of nominations for teaching awards, and there's like a 3x2 row of pics w/names and categories underneath, and I scan it over and see a few people I know, including this one upper-level Ph.D. student (white) woman from the Anthro department who has multiple large hoop earrings and very distended earlobes, and I know that no-one nominated me, even though the kids like me a lot.

Then, I notice that the last picture has my name under it, only my face isn't above it, but rather an off-focus black-and-white photo of a student evaluation that simply says "[My first name] is fun and cool" in handwriting that looks like it's from a young child.

I then am happy, but guardedly, since I wonder if anyone else will notice the reason that I was chosen for the award wasn't substantive.

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