Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Mom on the New Pope.

So yesterday I was talking with my parents, and even though she doesn't pay much attention to the Catholic Church, my mom got on the topic of the new pope.

"Really," she said, in an 'I'm going to speak my mind now' tone-of-voice that I realized that I got from her and use when I go off on things, "How much change can we expect from a 76 year old white guy?"

When I pointed out that the new pope was from Argentina, she was like, "Whatever, he's still part of the old boys club."

Then, she started going off on about how "the old boys club" says nothing can ever change, "But then suddenly one of them wants to retire, and things can change, and he retires."

"They can change things when it's convenient for them," she was like.

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