Friday, February 15, 2013

Moldy vegetables.

I've been of the "to heck with money" mindset more and more this last year.

For example, I now no longer buy offbrand cough drops, but instead spring for Ricola, which are so much better, both tastier and more effective.

As part of that, I've even started to violate my "dollar a pound" rule for produce, and buy myself a $1.49 bag of radishes each week to cut up in my lunch besides the raw carrots.

Like last week, though, I went to open up the radishes, and around 4 had mold growing profusely on the outside, with a bit of mold extending to the others.

So, I threw out the moldy ones, cut off the bits of the salvageable ones, and used all of them cut up as my vegetables in my next day's lunch.

My tupperware was like half cut up radishes, and half pasta (spaghetti, raw garlic, and olive oil and butter).

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