Sunday, September 23, 2012

Belated Trip Home News (2 of 2): No good deed goes unpunished..

On Tuesday morning, my one friend from high school was dropping me off at the train station before work (since my parents live 3 hours north of the nearest train station, I coordinate trips with my friend to get a ride to and from my hometown, so my parents don't have to drive long distances).

It was super super rainy and we were running late, and like 4 exits from the train station, it was stop-and-go traffic.  There was a truck ahead of us that was starting to move very herky-jerky in the traffic, and as we stopped, I just started to suggest to my friend we might change lanes to get out from behind this truck... -

And as we're stoppped in the center lane of 3 lanes of eastbound traffic, the guy behind us hits our bumper at low speed, like 10-15mph.

My friend's like "Fuck," calls police to report the accident and AAA for towing, and then she pulls up a number for a cab to see if I can take that out, since the train leaves in 15 minutes...

Though it was a low-speed crash, their bumpers were entangled, and she couldn't move her car!

"I'll have to reschedule all my meetings today," she was like (she had 3!), "And we might have to put you on a later train."

Because that seemed awful, I asked if she needed me, or if things would be easier if I could still make the train.

"Make it if you can," she was like, so I took my 2 bags, opened the door, and stood in the rain
and put out my thumb like a hitchhiker.

Two people going by looked at me weirdly, a third, this younger girl with heavy make up, slowed and rolled open her window, but when I said I needed to go to the train station, just grimaced apologetically and moved on, and then the 4th, this round middle-aged (white) woman plopped in her street, stopped, and rolled down the window.

"Can you get me to the train station?", I was like.  "My friend got in a minor accident and she has to wait here, and the train's leaving soon."

The woman paused, and then looked me in the eye, and was like, "Are you a killer?".

"No," I was like.

"Okay, get in."

Then, she took me to the train station.

Later, I texted my friend, and since she's 3 months pregnant, she ended up going to the emergency room so they could check up on the baby, just in case.  There was a $100 deductible there that car insurance might cover, but otherwise car insurance covered everything, since the other guy was still at fault.  She missed her meetings and so got behind in work, but otherwise everything was fine.

I felt awful and offered to pay for anything, and she refused, but I called up a flower shop and had a nice plant delivered to her at work the next day.

She said I didn't have to, but it was nice, and that all the women at work kept wondering who this guy who's not her husband was, who's sending her flowers.

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