Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Random tidbits: Bars, Tutoring, Puppet play.

1) The best bar name ever?:  "The Swagger Inn."

It's one of those bar names like "The Dew Drop Inn", only so much better, esp. since it's a black bar.

The other weekend I was at a patio a bit south of downtown in this odd in-between area near the elevated subway tracks, and it was inundated by older (black) people all dressed up before going to some party.

"You going to the Swagger?", one older (black) woman said to another, and when the second woman looked blank, she was like, "Ain't you never been to the Swagger?  C'mon!".

2) I'm up to 5 tutorees right now because of some inquiries from 2 adult learners who want to know Latin and had contacted me a couple months ago, but I had put them off till I finished my Hebrew class...  I'd be up to 6, but my homeschooler is taking a break for the summer.

3) I'm in the process of writing a delicate year-end evaluation for my homeschooler's files, since she still has major problems with Latin...  I think she'd be doing high C/low B range work if it was a *high school* class (I'm not even talking in terms of college level work, which her mom says she does other areas).

4) My one friend from the sex doc movie series who is into BDSM invited me to a puppet play about Ishtar last weekend...  It was in a storefront theater with like 15 seats, and though it was a $10 donation to get in, there was a crapload of good free refreshments.  The play itself had a lot of intricate pieces and was very disjointed, though the best part was that the (older) (white) (female) puppeteer at the end was like, "That's it, thank you," and then, "That was my midlife crisis."

Later, I was talking with the people who owned the space, this couple who made drums.  The guy was British and not quite all there.  I asked him how he got into making drums after he showed me the work area equipment stowed away behind the theater seats, and he was like, "Do you ask a piano player when they learned to play?"...  He didn't mean that meanly, either, he meant it honestly, and delivered it spacily.

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