Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I shouldn't get so involved in politics and current events.

I'm thinking I shouldn't get so involved in politics and current events; the more I tune in, the more upset I get.

Citizens United is just crazy, and I'm dreading the effects that will play out over the next few decades, with cuts to the social safety net, environmental regulations, and privatization of everything in a way that feeds into corruption.

The impending healthcare decision is also depressing.  I really thought that was the big redeeming thing to happen politically over the past few years, and now it might be gone because of rightwing craziness... 

Esp. because of job instability and people having to go on the job market sometimes several years in a row, having health insurance and no pre-existing condition exclusions would have really extended the safety net in a way that would have helped me, if I had needed that to fall back on.

I've also been thinking about global warming lately, because of articles I've been reading and the funky weather happening in my region.  I find it very very messed up that our climate is changing so radically and there's no political will to address things, or begin to develop clean energy.  How bad will things get, and will people ever figure out a way to get carbon out of the atmosphere? It is disturbing that the city I live in is planning ahead with paving etc. long-term already now for a climate like Baton Rouge, in the foreseeable future.

I remember during the Bush years people will upset and felt like everything was going in the wrong direction, and that's how I've been feeling lately, everywhere I look.

And don't even get me started thinking about a Romney presidency and how that will mean more cuts to education, higher taxes for people in my bracket, and all of that stuff.

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