Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mexican food / Bar.

Last weekend I went to a Mexican food festival that was just great -

Tons of restaurants that sold tacos and sizeable almost-entress for $1-3 each.

I ate like $13 worth of food, which was like $3 too much, but it was just so good!

Unfortunately, the next day I shit like 3 times, big black squishy pieces of shit that all floated on top of the toilet water.

After the festival, I hit some neighborhood bars, which were mostly or entirely Mexican.

At one, there was a (lower income) (older) (white) bartender.  The news was on, and when a piece about Trayvon Martin came on, she just gave this pissed-off guttural sigh and snatched up the remote and changed channels to the other news station, as if she thought the news was just blowing the Trayvon Martin case all out of proportion.

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