Monday, May 28, 2012

Activisim (2 of 2): Later.

If/when I'm a professor, I would love to be faculty sponsor of the College Democrats group, and I'd really be an active one.

I think the 1st thing I would do is have a reading group where we read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and something bullshitty by Occupy, then discuss the goal-vs.-process dichotomy.

Based on interest, I would have the goal people do voter registration and stuff at school and try to do a community-organizing based model of voter turnout, and I'd have the Occupy-people do whatever the heck they do.

I'd organize occasional, courteous debates, where they would have to meet each other's objections (e.g. the community-organizing people saying they weren't getting anything done, the Occupy saying they aren't working for real change).

Overall, I think the more kids you could expose to real activism, not the bullshitty Occupy kind, the better.

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