Saturday, May 5, 2012

Meeting Other Grad Students (2 of 2): A Pole.

Later, I was with other students, and somehow this Polish guy who's a scientist of some sort had a wine bottle, and was pouring it out for someone.

"Please, drink more," he was like.  "That's the Polish way!"

"No!", someone else was like, "That's drinking straight out of the bottle!"

"Yes," I was like, "And then throwing the empty bottle at a Jew."

At that, the Polish guy didn't say anything, a ton of people laughed, some nervously, and this one prissy Romance Languages grad student just got quiet.

So, I was like, "If you can find one!", and people laughed some more.

"You laugh because it's true," I was like.

At that, someone was like, "But what if someone isn't laughing."

"Well," I was like, "You don't laugh because it's true.  It's very sad, humor can work like that.  I'm just trying to point out the nature of Polish anti-Semitism."

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