Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I just got done with Hebrew homework. The last month, the workload grew exponentially, where homework began taking not 1-1.5 hours, but rather 2.5 per assignment - and there were 3 classes and thus 3 assignments per week! And that was in addition to study time nec. for each class.

I'm going to say something about that, nicely, on the class review sheet. The homework started to displace nec. study time, I felt.

Though, I have to say, the class ended well - one of the last exercises was translating imperatives, and so I was able to accurately translate (no joke) this one causative imperative with a masculine singular direct object suffix as -

MAKE (masc. sing.) HIM GO DOWN

- which would be more useful in Modern Hebrew, but is still fun anyhow.


Anonymous said...

Well, would you have learned as much Hebrew with less homework? And a whole world of possibilities, it appears, is now open to you.

el blogador said...

You know, some of the exercises at the end were unduly repetitive, and actually displaced study time. I said that!

I am glad that I feel somewhat comfortable with Hebrew grammar, though.