Thursday, January 26, 2012

Photo shoot at my apt.!

My one lawyer friend from Missouri was going to a store near my house, so the other weekday (she had the week off; she switched jobs at her workplace, and had a couple weeks lagtime) she texted to see if I wanted to hang out or grab coffee or take a study break, if I was home.

I told her to bring her camera, for a photo shoot!

The city's alternative newspaper had a redesign a few months ago, and they started this new feature where they have people send in photos of weird shit in their apartment.

So, my one lawyer friend from Missouri took a photo of my coffee can collection, which is now up to 102 cans, and 80 of which I have stacked in one window to block the view of the neighbors.

Before she left, I heated up a bit of my cabbage-parsnip soup (with vinegar, in the Romanian style), so she could try a spoonful to see if she wanted to take some home... I had made up a *huge* pot (w 2 heads of cabbage!) just the previous night, and there was a ton of it.

So, when I lugged the huge stewpot out of the fridge and plopped it on the stove and opened up the lid to reveal a huge pot of cabbage soup, she just laughed and was like, "I should take a picture of that," and she said that was the most soup she had ever seen in her life.

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