Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lesbian Nuns (11 of ???): an Irish-American nun (5 of 5).

From “Healing in the Dark” – Mab Maher (1956-1974; 291) -

The following Christmas I flew to Ireland. I needed to see the roots of myself more clearly. I rented a car and began a trip to the farthest Western Point, Dingle Peninsula. I felt completely free and at one with myself as I drove along. The roads grew more narrow and cut into rolling hills. Almost imperceptibly I became one with the round, soft hills that curved into each other from every direction. They were the shape of women loving each other. I have never felt such an overwhelming sense of being at home. In that moment all the Earth was saying *yes* to my Lesbian identity. I got out of the car and opened my arms to the Irish hills; I ran up and down them calling them my lovers and my sisters. As the sun began to set I reluctantly left them to find a hostel with a huge feather bed and to sleep until the middle of the following afternoon.

. . .

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