Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Legionnaires Story (2 of 2): Mass.

From Mike Murphy's "Mike & Me" (p. 204):

[Gran] was in the old folk's home in Donnybrook when Declan came back to Ireland as a priest. Nothing would do but her grandson should come into the home and celebrate mass. Declan was delighted to oblige. While he said mass, our grandmother sat about a third of the way down the small chapel. As was customary with [his order], Declan gave a good deal of time to the celebration. He left long pauses and was quietly reverent and dignified. When he came to the elevation, he slowly intoned the first part and then left a pause for meditation. After a moment or tow, my grandmother's voice rang out in the church.

"'This is the cup of my blood,'" she called irritably. "I say, 'This is the cup of my blood.'" She thought Declan had forgotten the next part and was prompting him. Declan caught my eye and grinned.

"Thank you Gran," he said, and continued with the mass.


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