Monday, June 20, 2011

A Legionnaires Story (1 of 2): Ordination.

I was reading the memoir "Mike & Me" of Mike Murphy, an Irish broadcaster whose brother Declan turned out to be one of the 1st Irish Legionnaires of Christ. As it turns out, he arrives in Rome the day before the ordination (p. 70):

That night, I took [my siblings] Pat and Catherine on a pub crawl and the next morning we were, all three of us, dying of hangovers.

I had been invited to read the lesson at the ordination, which was a group ordination. All the families of the Legion were gathered in the same convent as ourselves and we had to take a bus to the Vatican for the ceremony. The bus was forced to wait for me, as I was feeling quite ill...

In photographs of the occasion, my face looked a curious shade of green and apparently I could hardly be heard as I read the lesson. Many of the people present didn't know whether I was speaking Latin, Spanish, or English. But it was a joyous occasion, nonetheless.

His younger brother also joined the Legionnaires seminary for a bit, and another sister was part of their laywing Regnum Christi. At that point in his life, he would call all 3 his mother's "3 little tickets to Heaven".

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