Thursday, October 28, 2010

TRIUMPH! - mailed out my article.

Yesterday after waking up and hacking another huge brown piece of sticky snot into the sink, I made it into school and worked and then mailed out my article about that one dead language that I've been thinking about for 4 years. It cost me over $10 in printing and then like $12 in shipping to send it out to a journal in Cologne for consideration, but it feels great to have that done - for now.

The best part was that the (black) post lady was the same one who I had talked to do the day that I had my parasite.

As soon as I came in, you could tell she recognized me and was looking to bring it up somehow, and the entire time we made small talk and I was saying how I shipping this out, I had worked on it for 4 years, etc., she wasn't listening, though she did laugh and bat her hand at me when she asked me if I wanted international delivery confirmation, and I was like, "No, because you know, I trust you guys, you've never lost anything of mine before!"

Finally, she asked me how the weather was, and I said it was fine, but I had gotten a little cold, and she was like, "And we know your health can be delicate...", and just laughed.

After that, I assured her that the docs gave me one pill, and the parasite cleared up... And while I was telling her that, there was like a line of four people mounting up behind me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
