Sunday, February 28, 2010

Conversation with my mother.

1) My mom's nervous about Asian carp invading the Great Lakes, but was reassured when I told her that they would punish jetskiers.

2) My mom's been getting on people with Superbowl and Olympics statistics.

"They tell you that it's the most-watched this and the most-watched that," she was like, "And they get so mad when I tell them that of course it is, the population is growing and they'll be the same thing again in a few years!"

I then pressed her on this, and she was like, "Well, if they can tell me a fact, I challenge them on that fact. People say I'm argumentative, but I don't care."

"Why do you care?", I was like.

"Oh, because they are so full of themselves when they say it, and it's just stupid shit," she was like.


Anonymous said...

the acorn did not roll to far away from that oak

el blogador said...

I know! I always thought that it was unusual that I liked to punish people, and look, I guess it's genetic.

JUSIPER said...

Do you like to punish people?

el blogador said...

My mom has always pointed out that I like to, ever since I was a kid - but only if they deserve it.

JUSIPER said...

I think that's about right. But they didn't always deserve it when you were younger.