Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What a dick.

The other day I was in the undergrad activities building/cafeteria/coffee shop place on campus to use the basement ATM, and when I was coming up the stairs, this white guy with crazy hair and eyes and a sportsjacket with arm patches was coming through the door opposite and stopped me and asked very distinctly, "Pardon me, is there a restroom in this building?"

"Yeah," I was like, "You, like, go downstairs and turn left" - and at that I made a motion with my hands - "and it's like right there."

"'Like'", he was like, "Now were you using that as a simile?", and he stared in my eyes, crazily.

I didn't quite get what he was saying at first, but when I did, I made this confused, pissed-off face, and was like, "There's one upstairs, too," and I walked away

Now I wish I had been like, "I just trying to be nice, so, like, go fuck yourself."

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