Monday, November 2, 2009

Family Tragedy (times 4).

So, the other week when I was at a wedding, I ran into a friend from college, and she was telling me about this (black) girl from her office who's around our age (i.e., late 20s), and that she had heard through the grapevine that over the summer like three members of her family - I think her mom, her brother, and her aunt - all died in separate tragic incidents.

Anyhow, my friend didn't really know her that well, but when she found them alone in the breakroom, she was like, "Hey, I heard about what's been happening with your family, and I just want to say that I'm really sorry, and it must be a lot to go through."

"Thanks," the girl was like, touching my friend's hand thankfully, then she grimaced and was like, "You know, it all started with Michael this summer..."

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