Monday, September 28, 2009

Pre-sex doc (2 of 2): Rot.

So, when I was downtown studying for an hour or two beforehand outside at a Starbucks, I went to pull my little plastic bag of vegetables I had with me in my backpack out to eat, only I noticed the broccoli, which had been kind of yellow in the fridge (it had been in there a week), was now yellow and smeary, so I smelled it and it smelled back, and I touched it and I got this awful shit on my finger, to the point where it was so bad even though it was not that much, that I had to go in to the restroom and go wash it off.

So, I chucked the whole bag, even though there were pieces of the cut-up stem I could have eaten, because they didn't look too spoiled.

Then, that night when I got home, I checked out the cut-up vegetables I had in a big tupperware thing in the fridge, and the broccoli on top too was spoiled and the florette pieces had dropped through the celery and carrots beneath, so I had to get out my spaghetti strainer and rinse off the other vegetables to save them after throwing out the broccoli.

The broccoli smelled so bad, too, that I went out to the curb in my boxers and wifebeater to throw out the trash, even though the bag was only half full.

Then, to top it off, the next morning, I noticed a piece of bread in my bread bag had some mold on it, so I chucked the whole bag, even though only like maybe a seventh of the pieces had mold starting to grow on them (I ate the 2 pieces that I pulled out before the fateful 3rd one and were fine).

I think I'm getting better at throwing things out.


Anonymous said...

went out to the curb in your boxers and wifebeater??? really???

el blogador said...

Yes, I liked to add to the atmosphere of the neighborhood.

JUSIPER said...

You wear wifebeaters?

el blogador said...

Yes, under dress-shirts when I have them open at the collar, they're cooler than full t-shirts.

Sometimes I wear just them, depending on where I'm going.

JUSIPER said...

Wow that's so Streetcar Named Desire.