Friday, May 29, 2009

LXX // That One Guy.

When I was translating from Tobit this morning, I ran across this totally weird word that took me like 10 minutes to figure out, and when I did, I realized they had patterned one verb form of a common verb off the verb form of a relatively less common verb, and my Septuagint grammar was no help at all about this. When I come across shit like this, I wonder how people who've never had linguistics training and are dependent on grammars and shit manage to figure it out (if they do).

Also, going through the student club this morning, I came in a side entrance, and standing on the stairs right there staring at everyone who walks through the door was that one weird Asian guy who loudly reads out loud from books in the lounge sometimes. It really creeped me out and I went to go report him to a guard, but the guard wasn't at his station when I went there.

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