Saturday, May 30, 2009

3 things.

1) I don't quite understand Asian people who haven't quite figured out yet that Americans don't eat with their mouths open.

2) I had this dream Tues. night where I was looking at a car's speciality state license plate, and it was a special license plate with Sponge Bob on it, only it was a blue background with a spiral on it and it was his eyes and his head up really close, only his body was orange and his eyes were blue and had no pupils.

3) Tues. morning my blinds in my living room fell down - the plastic brackets snapped - but when I went to go call my landlords, I realized I had lost their contacts when my phone died and I never got them again.

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

Oh my God. So true about eating with the mouth open.