Thursday, February 5, 2009

2 updates - Mormons, crazy guy.

I went out for a drinks after a movie last night with a friend who works in the library. He said he's been reading Mormon blogs again, and that this one 20-something housewife was upset and trying to get her friends to start a letter-writing campaign to Fox because the Dollhouse preview shown during the Superbowl ended with a naked silhouette of a prone Eliza Dushku.

He also said that he knows exactly who that one weird Asian guy who reads out loud in the one otherwise-quiet student lounge is. He said when he started work at the library, his supervisor made him read like 12 security files of people to call security on on sight, and though four of them were like some 10-year olds who were trespassing and causing a ruckus like 5 years ago, this guy was one of the other ones, and for some reason his profile stuck out in his head. This guy, he said, was caught being weirdly passive-aggressive and threatening to patrons after they asked him not to bang the keys on a keyboard in the science library computer room one time, and there were a few other incidents as well, though he can't remember what, and that one time he did appear inside the main library where my friend works and my friend immediately called security, but by the time security got there, the guy was gone.

He added that it's extremely tough to get kicked out of the libraries and have all your privileges revoked, and he thinks that the guy must have been an alumni of some sort at one time, since alumni have free reference privileges and borrowing privileges for $75 a year. He said he was going to pull his guy's file again today and see what else was in there, and he'd let me know.

He also said that there's some real crazies who come out for the book sale, when anyone from the larger community can be buzzed in to the library to go to the old book room. This fall, he said, this one lady said she was researching how the current head of the EU, who's also the anti-Christ, received special training at our university, but she didn't know what, though she was trying like all hell to figure it out.


JUSIPER said...

A little bit of power and privacy goes out the window.

el blogador said...

That's kind of true, but I'm glad I know now, since I'll sic (sp.?) building security on the dude now and not fuck with him like he's a sane person or something.