Saturday, February 7, 2009

3 things: testing, dream, weird guy.

1) I proctored another standardized test this morning. Some middle-school kids took it too, and there was this really cute and self-confident girl of Chinese dissent who was full of personality without being too much. She was always like, "Thanks!" whenever you handed her an answer sheet/test booklet/etc., and handled herself well with no parent in sight.

She was a ton better than the parent-dominated young boy with long blonde hair and a cap on (the yuppie dad in a biking suit took care of everything and the kid never spoked, and he corrected me when I said "she" or "her" or something), and the mom in a leather jacket with a leather purse who was bitching about her kid not being taught cursive in his gifted-and-talented program at school, and then during the test instructions the kid made a point of asking something after every bit, and then during the testing itself sighing loudly whenever "five minutes left" was announced, and then asking at the end when the whole test was over why they couldn't have more time on each section.

2) I had a dream last night that I was at the Bates motel, only Norman Bates was married and he and his wife both tortured people, including this woman who was strapped to a gurney and who they would get pregnant and then carve our her fetus. I managed to escape up the road and get up the driveway of a house on a hill just when this gruff white-bearded old guy in a leather bikers jacket was leaving on a motorcycle, and he gave me a ride to wherever he was going, though we crested a hill and there laying below us was Manhattan. I finally broke down when he dropped me off at a bus station what had happened, and at that point he was a early 30s-something Puerto Rican girl who kind of looked like a model, only not stringy, and her friend, and they felt sorry for me and said I could stay with one of them's parents.

3) So, my one friend who works at the library reported back that the werid Asian guy had had multiple incidents, including "belligerent gum-snapping" at the science library and this incident in the stacks of the main library where the guy complained to a stacks-shifting project employee that they were making too much noise, and then he started overturning bookcarts and throwing books everywhere. He also said he was an alumnus of the college back in the early 2000s, so that's how he had been getting into the library post-graduation, with the standard alumnus stacks-privileges pass.


JUSIPER said...

If there's anything I approve of, it's Chinese dissent.

JUSIPER said...

Too bad you never got around to meeting the Puerto Rican parents. That is one weird dream.

JUSIPER said...

You can't call security on an alum?

el blogador said...

That girl was awesome. They have the address on the check-in forms and she lived in Chinatown. She was very smart, too, but not in a "pressured by her parents" sort of way.