Friday, February 6, 2009

Cabbage / Free soul food.

Today I was eating some cabbage salad at lunch and reading, and I coughed, and bits of chewed-up cabbage flew out and covered the pages of the book I was reading.

Yesterday just when I was about to leave the library, a (white) friend texted me that the minority students association on campus was having a free buffet-style soul food dinner, so I stuck around like a half hour and then we headed over, to find that there was indeed a huge free buffet-style soul food dinner, as well as a lot of other clusters of white and Asian kids (no hispanics, though, really) in line to get the free chicken.

"Man, I am dying," I was like, when we were finally close to the food, and the (black) (female) student ahead of me laughed.

Later, when the line was even longer, I considered going up for seconds, but I didn't want to deprive anyone, so I just went up for salad, since it was at the end of the line between the hot food and the plate of cornbread muffins, and no one was touching.

"You mind if I slip in here and grab some salad?", I asked this other (black) (female) student who was just finishing the hot food line. "I really want some more mac and cheese, but I've already had some, so I'm thinking I'll get some salad since no one wants that."

"Go right ahead!", she was like. "I sure don't."

Then, when she went for the cornbread muffins, I was like, "Be careful, they're dry!", and she turned back to me and flashed a smile and was like, "Thanks!", and then left without getting one.

Later, at the very end of the night when there was like no line, I went up to get whatever food was left, and I sidled up beside yet another (black) (female) student and was like, "Man, I wanted to get some more mac and cheese earlier, but I didn't want to deprive anyone, and now it's all gone."

"That's nice of you," she was like, and then, staring morosely at the huge plate of leftover rice and the little bit of beans left and the trays of grease from the now-gone mac and cheese and the grease from the now-gone catfish and the grease and juice from the now-gone chicken and the juice from the now-gone collard greens, she was like, "'Cause we sure are deprived."

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