Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Went to the local Walgreen's today.

Today I went to the local Walgreen's to pick up some flouride rinse (am close to running out) and get some cash back since I won't be near any ATM of my bank today and I need money and I'm too cheap to pay a minimum $1.50 ATM roaming fee, but when I was checking out, I used the plastic pointer-pen on the debit/credit card pad thing to pick the "cash back" option, and when I went to go hit "other amount" so I could get $30 back, and not the $20 or $40 options, for some reason I touched "other amount" with the pen, but the "no thanks" button above it clicked down on the screen, and when I went to hit "no" on the "Is this amount correct?" option, I touched "no", but the "yes" button next to it depressed, weirdly enough, even though the pointer pen was nowhere near touching it, so my transaction ended without me getting any cash back.

"Thank you," the (black) cashier woman was like.

"But I never got any cash back!", I was like, "and I pushed all the right buttons, but the thing gave me other options."

"Well, I don't know," she was like.

"Man," I was like, "It's like those voting machines they have!", and she laughed, and to no one in particular was like, "He said, 'It's like those voting machines they have,'" and laughed again to herself.

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