Monday, January 12, 2009

Poodle / documentary.

On Sunday when I was grabbing coffee up in the yuppie part of town, I saw this missing dog poster for a poodle, where someone's poodle was taken from outside a CVS where they had leashed it up. "PLEASE RETURN OUR DOG SOON SHE HAS A RARE DISEASE AND WILL DIE IN ONE WEEK WITHOUT HER MEDICATIONS $500 REWARD" the poster said, or something like that.

Anyhow, what I can't figure out is if the people are bullshitting or not -- on the one hand, maybe they're trying to fake out the dog thief since what good will stealing an expensive dog to have or sell will do you when it's going to die soon anyhow, but on the other hand, yuppies are the exact type of people who will put a dog with a rare disease on expensive medication, since that's the exact kind of thing that a yuppie would do.

On another note, I've been thinking more and more about that one ALIVE documentary. I really want to go, but I know I'll faint, which makes me kind of full of myself, since I feel like if the subject matter is so gross and disturbing, there's something wrong with other people, not me, since how can people stand to watch something like that and not faint?

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