Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Went to the coffee shop today.

I went to the coffee shop today where I've been working lately in the late mornings and early afternoons. Two young black guys I know were working today, and somehow they were talking about vegetarianism when I walked in. I asked if they knew the black Jew vegetarian restaurant, and the one was like, "Yeah, they serve you some tofu with barbecue sauce on it, and it tastes like tofu with barbecue sauce on it, and you're like, 'What the hell is this?'", and the other was then like, "Vegans drive me nuts, you can't eat shit, and then they get all holy about it."

I then told them about Michelle Obama's mother and how she's like "If you want to have fried chicken, have fried chicken", and both of them lit up at that and the second on was like, "Exactly."

Later, when I went to get my regular pastry, it was out, but there was some similar looking stuff that looked like a pastry roll with apricot jam inside, and when I asked the first guy what it was, he was like, "I don't know, but if you get it, tell me." When I did buy it, there turned out be walnuts in it, and he was like, "I'm glad I found that out!", and the second guy was like, "I just tell people all this shit was made in a factory where nuts are processed, so I don't be bothered with it."

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

That's a great way to deal with white elites' questions about baked goods.