Monday, January 26, 2009

Monkey / Africa.

A friend of mine whose father is African and who used to live there for a while growing up was saying that all his childhood he wanted a pet monkey, since he thought it would be a little friend, but his uncle got him this awful monkey that they kept chained up in a tree in the yard on a 3-ft. leash, and everyone was afraid to go into the perimeter. One time it got out, he said, and came into the house, and it surprised his mother, but finally she cornered it into the bathroom and locked it up in there, and made his uncle come and take it back.

We were also talking about pets and toys, and he mentioned how African kids often hammer out old cans to make something to play with.

"Did you see that when you were there?", he asked me, referring to my trip this summer.

"No," I was like, "And I thought African kids didn't have toys, since they start them not working at a young age."

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