Sunday, November 30, 2008


Last night that I was presenting a seminar paper to a group of professors and fellow students, and I hadn't reviewed it right before my presentation, and when I was looking at it right there in front of them in response to their criticisms and trying to explain myself, I realized that the font on my computer I had used was like handwriting, only really bad handwriting, so for entire sections of my paper I couldn't read what I had thought, and I realized they couldn't have either...

Somehow, that writing was both from me, and through my computer, and thus it was really messy and I was responsible for it though it was mechanically reproduced, which I really don't understand, especially since the mechanically-reproduced writing was legible in other parts of the paper.

Also, somehow at one point I was humming a song with them and correcting them on melody and lyrics, only I'm forgetting now what it was, though I had the song in my head when I woke up this morning and all the way into the early afternoon.

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