Thursday, September 11, 2008

My mission: recruiting for Obama.

Since Sarah Palin in charge of the U.S. scares the fuck out of me, I've decided to personally ask all my friends who live in or near major swing states to go out and campaign for Obama. I began yesterday with a friend from high school who lives in Tallahassee (she had done a masters degree there and now has a job there), and I think I convinced her; she's going to check out the campaign office there this weekend. She was originally hesitant since it's a very republican area and she thought they just stuck a clipboard in your hand and made you go to every door, but once I explained to her that they actually have you go to houses that have identifiedly voted Democratic in the past to make sure the voters still live there and identify their candidate preferences so they can get out the vote on election day, she was like, "Oh, I'd do that." I forget that most people haven't actually canvassed, so they don't know what it consists of, or how the campaigns have this shit down to a science.

She also said that she loved how Joe Biden's son introduced him during the convention. She felt it was very midwestern, to have someone close to you introduce you because they're close to you, not necessarily because they're some primo bang-up speaker.

Tonight I call friends in Kalamazoo and Lansing, and maybe some of their parents who I know.

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