Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Life Between Life".

So, I've been reading Joel Whitton, M.D. Ph.d.,'s "Life Between Life", this book about past lives that ripped off the title of Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M.D.,'s immensely popular "Life After Life" (which made "near death experience" a household phrase) and claims to follow in its footsteps.

Anyhow, I'm impressed with how many people died really fucked up deaths in their past lives. For example, one woman was forced into prostitution in the Wild West, but a married frontier doctor fell in love with her and started keeping her for himself, but when she got his child and gave birth, the town minister found out and came and took it away, and while he was standing their with the child in her arms she got out a rifle, which accidentally went off and killed her baby and hurt him and his arms, so he crawled downstairs to the saloon, said she had gone crazy and attacked him, and a bunch of drunk cowboys came and got her and dragged her out to a local slaughterhouse where they gang-raped her and then bullwhipped her till her skin came off in pieces, and then when she wasn't dead, they skinned her with their knives and threw her body on top of a pile of rotting steer carcasses in the corner of the slaughterhouse, which she saw floating from above as she hovered above her dead body.

And, this is why she has a rash now, and her dad was one of the cowboys who gang-raped her.

(She had a bad relationship with her dad.)

Incidentally, the criteria for discerning whether a recovered memory of a past life is true or not is how true it feels; if you're absolutely certain, it's true, Joel Whitton says in the book.


JUSIPER said...

Can we feel sure about other people's lives too?

el blogador said...

Good question. I'm not sure.