Wednesday, June 25, 2008

German sex stories.

So, a few weeks ago I went drinking with my one Dutch friend and his one German friend, who's very awesome.

(When we were at the BoBo festival, she looked around and was like, "How can all of these people be so cool, if they have small dogs and children?")

Anyhow, she is very German when it comes to her sex life - she has an open marriage with her husband who lives in Berlin, and so she's been fucking undergrads who were in her classes, and she was telling me that back when she was a high school exchange student in Iowa, she and her host-sister used to go to barn parties and have a few beers and then slip out to the haystacks to get done in them by the farmhands.

She was also telling me about her one Serbian gay friend who's at Princeton, and how he haunts the pool showers at the gym there since all the athletes like cock on the side.

She was also telling me about the funniest thing in her life was for the 2000 New Year's she and some of her friends rented a cabin in this one sleepy German village, and like the second day there her one gay friend said he was kind of feeling bad, so he'd stay in while everyone went out hiking, and when everyone came back from hiking, all the towels and sheets were washed, and then later that night when him and her were drinking he said he'd gotten crabs from sitting on plush velvet couches at this sex party at a Berlin nightclub, and how that morning after they all left he had to go to the village doctor to get treated, and the guy wanted to know where he got them from, since he was worried that he had somehow gotten crabs in the village, so he had to assure the doctor and be like, "No, I got them from the plush velvet couches at a gay sex party in Berlin."

After all that, she went back to telling me about how she does undergrads, and was saying how the one artsy student she fucks is getting sweet on her, and wanted her to meet his parents at graduation. And she said she's a bit pissed at her husband since he's been questioning their open marriage arrangement, which she thinks he's doing because he hasn't been getting any.

After all of that still, and she had gone, my one Dutch friend says he has this feeling that she likes drinking with him in general, but that she also likes to drink with him so she can get him drunk enough to bed him.


JUSIPER said...


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