Monday, February 11, 2008

Saw Tennille today.

I got my haircut again today, by Tennille. She had her hair cut a new way again, kind of short and up, with it dyed a tawny color. I liked it and complimented her on it, and then she said she was thinking of dying it a dark red but wasn't sure, and I asked why, and she said it's because she's not sure how it would go over, and I asked her who with, and she was like, "Well, I want a man, so it's whatever'll get me a date." I then told her that I liked red hair on black woman, but if someone saw that when you're out at a martini bar or wherever, it signalled that you lived for nightclubs, whereas her hair now was funky-cool but could also go professional, so it made a person seem more balanced. When she asked me if a banker would look at her with red hair and I said he'd probably be a little hesitant, she thanked me for being honest with her, and said that she'd save that for some spice once she's married.

We also talked about celebrity haircuts. I said I think Rihanna's hair was the coolest hair in a while, and she said that black and white women bring her picture in and want that cut, whereas the only celebrity where it happened so much like that was years ago with white women and Jennifer Aniston, and then a little little bit with white women and Jessica Simpson. She said that it shows you how far we've come, that a black woman can model hair that white women want too, and I agreed that someone with the complexion of Lilly Allen or Amy Winehouse could pull off Rihanna hair, and she said that Amy Winehouse definitely could, and that she just loved Amy Winehouse as an artist.

I asked her if there was any big men's haircut ever since that George Clooney Roman-thing from years ago, and she said whatever happening's with Brad Pitt's hair gets requested, though guys never bring in pictures. She said that his short hair gets asked for a lot in the summers, and guys come in and are like, "I want that Brad Pitt thing", and that sometimes they come in with their wives and their wives tell her to cut their husband's hair like Brad Pitt.

At one point, when Alicia Keys's "No One" came on the radio, I asked her to turn it up, and she was so happy because she likes that song too. I then was talking about how there's that one dance to that "Soldier Boy" song, which I had told my mom about, and how she had thought it was cool since it reminded her of how her friend taught her the Mashed Potatoes, and then Tennille was like, "Oh no, I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day!" I then confessed that since I got up that morning, I'd been humming "Do That to Me One More Time", and says that she suspects other people probably do that, but I'm the first person to ever say so. Then she was like, "How about that 'Muskrat Love', isn't it a great song?", and I agreed, and said I loved the keyboard solo.

Also, Tennille's trying to convince me next haircut to put platinum highlights in the front of my hair and change things up a bit while keeping it professional. She says it'd look good, and the key is to enhance my natural hair color without having anything jarring happen.


JUSIPER said...


el blogador said...

I know. Highlights? It's so crazy, it just might work.