Friday, February 15, 2008

Trashiness / Life After Death.

My one friend yesterday when we were out drinking was saying that she had to get home to watch Celebrity Rehab, because even though she was recording it and it was on then, she wanted to watch it as soon as possible. "Isn't that the trashiest thing you've heard all day?", she was like, and I actually had to disagree, since just an hour or two earlier a black friend had been telling me that that pimp book I have is representative of a whole genre that black kids pass around in fourth or fifth grade, and he remembers reading that and a memoir by the pimp Iceman Slim.

He also said there's this whole memoir genre of black women's stories that's even trashier than the pimp stories, and to look out for them in bookstores. They're a lot of survivor stories with titles like "Daddy's Girl", that deal with incest and molestation and pole-dancing. He said they're just nuts.

On another note, I've been reading the classic near-death experience books lately, and I read a little bit more of the 1975 classic "Life After Life" yesterday before bed. Everything I had been reading was happy, but yesterday the shit could have given me nightmares... The tunnels people were going through were these large voids which they were pulled through against their will, and many people had this loud uncomfortable buzzing in their ears the entire time, and when people saw themselves being resuscitated, the procedures they saw happening to their bodies were really really awful (e.g. paddles applied to their chest and their bodies jumping while their bones crackle). Fortunately, I had no nightmares, though I could have.


JUSIPER said...

Yeah, everyone ignores the hellish NDE's.

el blogador said...

I had never known they existed. They were really frightening, especially since the author just excerpted these long parts of interviews where the people who underwent them talked about them, and so you got it in their own words.

JUSIPER said...

They always get short shrift because the big money is in the lighted tunnel.

el blogador said...

Maybe after the NDE thing was established. "Life After Life" is the seminal NDE book, and all the frightening shit is in there.

JUSIPER said...

You need to read Embraced by the Light.

JUSIPER said...

You need to read Embraced by the Light.