Thursday, February 7, 2008

Obama / Legs / Curtains.

On Tuesday after a reception downtown for the 80th birthday of a prominent prof at school, me and a few other grad students decided to head to Obama headquarters nearby to see if we could sneak in for his Super Tuesday speech, since we were so well-dressed. We did -- me and my friend who has a fed job this year got in by going to the press entrance, and when they asked her if she was with the press, she flashed her federal ID and was like, "No, I'm with Health and Human Services," and at the next gate, when they asked her if she had a ticket, she flashed her idea again and was like, "No, I'm with Health and Human Services," and I just talked with her the entire time and did jackshit, and got in on her coat-tails -- and so we spent all night drinking gin-and-tonics and watching results come in. Obama's speech was fun, and on the way out, we passed by these couple young black women supporters who had just found their friends and were like, "We were standing by Cornell West all night!", and since we were stalled by the crowds right in the middle of the conversation, I was like, "Really? We were by Jesse Jackson!", and the one young woman gave me a dirty look snorted and was like, "Hmmph, who cares, Cornell West is an intellectual."

Yesterday my one undergrad friend at the library desk said that she felt like she had been riding a horse all morning, since she had done a lower body workout emphasizing her inner thighs yesterday at the gym with a friend and now she was really sore. "That sucks," I was like, and she was like, "Yeah, but I can now crush a man between my legs."

My opaque white shower curtains are mildew-y, and so I'm thinking of replacing them with clear ones so I don't have any mildew and so the light from the window on the other side of the shower can better come in without me having to open the shower curtains, but I'm afraid that when I have people over, they'll go to my bathroom and be like, "Oh my, he has clear shower curtains."


JUSIPER said...

Do clear shower curtains make you seem kind of slutty?

I've seen Cornell West on the stump, and he's just embarrassing.

el blogador said...

No, but when I see clear shower curtains at people's houses, I think that they invite people over to watch them shower.

el blogador said...

No, but when I see clear shower curtains at people's houses, I think that they invite people over to watch them shower.