Sunday, February 3, 2008

Handicapped industries etc.

On Friday when I was hanging out with that one rowdy Australian episcopal priest and some other people, that one rowdy Australian episcopal priest was talking about one time when he was in Australia a retarded parishioner invited him to her workplace, and he ended up going there to visit her one day since she was so stoked about it. She showed him the box-making line, and then the line where they put aluminum foil on those cardboard pieces you put cakes on, and then the place where everyone unpacks huge crates of dog food and puts them into smaller boxes, and then the line where they put into cases those bullets that are used in the machine guns that are strapped onto the sides of helicopters.

Someone else was saying that at Michigan State University a few years ago, they started closing the library on Saturdays during home football games because everyone would stop through there to use the restrooms, and the library staff was getting sick of cleaning up the puke from people who had been tailgating a little bit too hard.

Also, a friend and her fiance were saying that they went out to this forest preserve to go snowshoeing on Saturday, and they noticed all these single guys in their 40s and 50s in big SUVs and minivans and other family-type cars in the parking lot, but no one was getting out to do outdoors-y things, and then when they came back, there were more guys of the same type in similar cars still there parked or circling the parking lot, and still no one was getting out to go do outdoors-y things, and all of a sudden they turned to each other and were like, "Oh, this must be a *cruising* area!"

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