Friday, December 28, 2007

Black Market / Nymphos.

Back in WWII my great uncle didn't smoke and so sold up the cigarettes he saved to Russian soldiers in Berlin for $20 a pack and got enough to buy a house for him and his wife when he got back. Mickey Mouse watches were $500 a pop but he didn't have any to sell, he said. What he did have to do, though, is go around to the Polish DPs and tell them in his rudimentary Polish that the war was ending and that they would soon be returned to their homes, and he said all they did was swear and swear at him.

My godmother was saying that when she was down in Florida cleaning out her dead mother-in-law's house, she and her girlfriends who she went down there with to do it took one afternoon to check out an antiques store downtown in the town near the house, and the guy there told them to check out the shop across the street, and that the owner of that shop was nice and they should go talk with her but that she was a nympho. When he said that, my godmother was like, "How do you know?"

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