Thursday, November 8, 2007

Went to $4 martini night last night.

I went to $4 martini night last night. My one Dutch friend who's always up for drinking met up with me there, and we each had about five.

The place also had a transsexual dancer who would come out once an hour and dance up and down the middle of the lounge and people would hold out dollar bills for her, which depressed my friend; he used to date an Israeli belly dancer, he said, and he said just seeing this belly dancer made him think about how she probably makes shit for money and desperately seeks attention.

Last night when I got home I was bound up pretty bad and in the middle of re-heating some vegetarian gumbo over brown rice to eat at 2am, I had to run over to the bathroom and take a massive, dark-brown, dense-smelling shit. I had a similar shit this morning, as well.

On a side note, my Latin TA told me to cut it out because I couldn't stop laughing when he kept saying "B-DAG" over and over to refer to some language reference work with the acronym BDAG -- isn't a "b-dag" short for "bull dag", which is a really butch lesbian?.

I've also been thinking about how I like the phrase "got annihilated" for "getting drunk", only I can't use it since it only works with slackers, when they're like, "Dude, I got totally annihilated"; the multi-syllable word elevates the vocabulary's sound while the meaning degrades it, and also it riffs off of how slackers can't get motivated about anything, though they can get motivated to get drunk, only the phrase is passive so it's as if this getting massively blitzed was something that just happened to them.

Also, I found out that $4 martini night isn't just Wednesdays -- it's also Tuesdays and Sundays. I'm stoked.

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