Thursday, November 1, 2007

Germs / Germans.

Today in my Hebrew Bible lecture class I was two minutes late to class, so instead of sitting with my friends towards the front, I had to slip in a desk next to this undergrad, a mousey-haired thing with a clunky wood-bead necklace and a couple ornate silver rings on her fingers. Within two seconds of my settling in, she started pulling out snotty tissues and blowing her nose in them, and then she started to chew with her mouth open the gum that she had been chewing with her mouth closed, and I could just feel the mouth germs floating everywhere. She also leaned her head into her hands a few times, like she was thinking, "I'm so sick, why did I ever come to class?" The entire class I leaned as far away from her as I could.

I guess like last week some grad students were sitting around talking about how when they were kids during the summer their parents used to send them to camp to get rid of them, and this one German ph.d. student who was with them got pale and sat back in his chair and gulped and was like, "Camp?!?"

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