Monday, October 29, 2007

Dream: Graveyard.

Last night I dreamed I was in a fairly treeless graveyard standing in front of a grave and over to the right of me like two graves down and slightly forward were two mid-30s, tastefully-dressed white women with shoulder-length hair and those semi-circular things you use to hold your hair back, and they were talking about a campaign to have engraved on every gravestone the importance for American culture of genealogy and finding about your past, which measure had already been passed in Oklahoma. I looked over to my right and there was a grizzled cemetary caretaker in a down vest, and I told him that they were Mormons trying to further their pro-genealogy agenda, and when he said he didn't think genealogy was that big deal and that it was actually kind of nice, I started to explain to him how Mormons baptism the dead and that's why they research genealogy, not because of the schmaltzy reverence-for-the-past stuff they wanted engraved on the tombstones.

Then I woke up.


JUSIPER said...

You sure are preachy in your dreams.

el blogador said...

I know! I was shocked. I think this was a manifestation of my reading "The Bible and its Influence" a lot lately and getting my panties in a bind over it.