Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yet more Maria Monk...

This about the close of the first full day of her becoming a nun (Arno press reprint pp. 52-53):

My own plate, knife, fork, &c., were prepared like the rest, and on the band around them I found my new name written:--“SAINT EUSTACE”…

As fast as we finished our meals, each rolled up her knife, fork, and spoon in her napkin, and bound them together with the band, and set with hands folded. The old nun then said a short prayer, rose, stepped a little aside, clapped her hands, and we marched towards the door, bowing as we passed before a little chapel or glass box, containing a wax image of the infant Jesus.

Nothing important occurred until late in the afternoon, when as I was sitting in the community room, Father Dufrèsne called me out, saying he wished to speak with me. I feared what was his intention; but I dared not disobey. In a private apartment he treated me in a brutal manner: and from two other priests, I afterward received similar usage that evening. Father Dufrèsne afterward appeared again; and I was compelled to remain in company with him until morning.


JUSIPER said...

Does she every elaborate on this brutal usage?

el blogador said...

No, this is low-grade pornography from 1836.