Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Sunday morning.

On Sunday morning I got up and went to read the NYTimes at a coffee shop couple blocks away from me that has all these lovely chairs outside in a courtyard with a fountain in the middle of it.

Anyhow, kitty-corner from my apartment there was this nicely-dressed mid-to-late-30s black woman with two dogs on a leash, and when I was passing by her this other nicely-dress mid-to-late-30s black woman who was just then getting there began to swoop down towards the dogs and started talking in that high voice that you use to talk to babies or dogs and being like, "Hey there Sushi and Sasha, I haven't see you two in while!"

When I got the coffee shop, I read outside for a while, and then at some point I looked up from my paper and noticed that the muzak distantly piping from the nearby supermarket was an instrumental arrangement of "The Tide is High".

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