Monday, September 10, 2007

So, back to karaoke: Eddie Foy the Third.

So, me and that one woman who turned to me from the next table during karaoke started talking about Iowa because of all the Iowa people in town for the football game, and she started telling me about how when she's visited Iowa before for the Donna Reed Arts Festival people she had just met told her to stay with them instead of at a hotel, and when she cancelled her hotel after the first night and went and did that, she did that for a few days and then they were leaving to go out of town for the weekend, so they left her their keys to the house and showed her around the liquor cabinet and the fridge in case she wanted anything while she was there. She says people from Iowa are all like that.

She also was namedropping about how she's friend's with Eddie Foy the Third's wife. She says I might know Eddie Foy the Third because of the Bob Hope movie "The Seven Little Foys", but otherwise he works a lot with Dick Clark Productions. She told me that her and his wife used to go to the country club during the Arts Festival and you would sit out on the deck with cocktails all dressed up and you could hear cows mooing in the distance.

At the end of this, she says you never know who the people you meet know, and she was like, "And we still haven't introduced ourselves, what's your name?", and held her hand out to me.

I think I used to remember more of this story, but it was a while ago and I was pretty hammered by that point in the night.

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