Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rural dating.

My one high school friend who is now a (divorced) (high school math) teacher has been doing the online dating thing, he said, and he was saying how weird a lot of the profiles were.

Like, there’s a ton of stuff on there like “If you don’t support the Second Amendment, swipe left.”

“You should put on yours, ‘If you don’t support the Fourteenth Amendment, swipe left,’” I was like.

He agreed, and he also said that the normal people do seem to end up finding each other, after screening everyone else out.

Also, he began dating this one (half Asian) (half white) woman from a few towns to the south, and when his ten year-old son found out, the first thing he said was, “I didn’t know you liked Asians.”

“Like, where did he get that?!”, my friend asked. “Like, what?”

All of this conversation happened at this one brew-pub that he brought me to, too, where he has a special mug that they brought out for him.

“I hope this isn’t like an Amway thing,” I was like, “Like you get a dollar off every beer I order.”

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