Sunday, September 1, 2024

A dream from like half a year ago:

Like half a year ago I dreamnt –

I’m in the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, and I’m up by the front windows and there’s a big round table of customers like right there where other tables usually are, and I’m trying to get all of them who are there seated, and another group of customers is coming in the door and I have to go break off and help them, and it’s getting towards closing time and I’m just trying to get everyone organized and get their orders in, and as I pause while doing something, I look out towards the street in front of the restaurant, and it’s like a darkened streetscape with pedestrian gate-barriers just visible up the street, and draped lighting at the edge of some vague stage-backs towards the other end of the street, and it’s like dusk and like some festival is closing, and I can see like eight or ten people scattered around on the otherwise empty street outside, and their paths are all converging on the restaurant as they amble towards us, since they’re all coming in late for a meal, and like every single one of those customers is (South Asian), as are many of the people already inside…

And then, I wake up.

. . .

(I later told my [Thai] coworkers about that dream and how it was effectively a nightmare where it was just large groups of [South Asian] people all coming in for food right before the restaurant closed, and they all laughed at my how subconscious kicked up that horror-story, and from everything I could tell, they thought it was understandable, though they didn’t explicitly say so.)

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