Friday, August 16, 2024

Two local animals:

1) Like last month I’m taking a minute in the afternoon to pull up invasive tree seedlings from the yard by my cottage, and when I’m over by the lilac bush in the back corner of the yard, something moves, and it’s a (slim) (dark brown) (adolescent) rabbit that’s not only trying to stand still, but is actually quivering from nerves, all like three or four feet from me – perhaps the too-trusting bunny from earlier this summer?

2) Several times this past month, I’ve seen a distinctive grey squirrel out by a curbside tree just to the west of my cottage, just a normal-to-scrawny one, only its tail is mangled, and it has no hair on it all the way up to this clump on the end, just like a long rat-like tail, ending in this puff of grey fur.

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