Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Some recent (Spanish) interactions at work...

...at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

1) My one (young) (skinny) (Guatemalan) coworker with the silver front teeth has been taking again to calling me Diablo lately, and one time he started telling me something like "You're a devil," and he started holding two fingers up to his head like they were horns.

"Si, soy un diablo" ("Yes, I'm a devil"), I was like, and with that I took my hands and extended the middle finger on each and held them up high on my forehead like they were horns, each one facing him.

2) My new morning greeting to all of my (Guatemalan) coworkers is that I stride in the door at like 10:55am when they're all still waking up and drowsily doing the beginning kitchen prep work, and I'm like, "Hola, mis buenos" ("Hello, my hotties"), which always draws a low chuckle from my one (younger) (female) (Guatemalan) coworker.

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