Thursday, May 23, 2024

Two conversations about stir-fry with a (Thai) coworker.

A bit ago, it was just me and my one (taller) (new) (Thai) coworker who wanted our staff meal that shift, and when we were negotiating what to get and I suggested a stir fry, she was like, “I don’t care, I’m not picky,” so I was like, “How about cashew nut…”, and she was like, “Um-hmmm,” and then when I was like, “…with soft tofu,” she started laughing , and was like, “No.”

Also, she works out a lot, so she’s on board with my strategy and defaults a lot to healthier stir fries to eat, and we often get the same vegetable-heavy light chicken one, and when one time I was putting our order in, I asked if it was okay if I put in my usual specification “Less oil, less sauce,” and she agreed, and then I was like, “Less oil, less sauce, less gym,” and she got a kick out of that, and chuckled.

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