Sunday, May 19, 2024

Professional perspective of a dermatology nurse and a dermatology doctor... my yearly "full body scan" that I started getting, to be pro-active on any dermatological problems after I had an abnormal mole on my back removed like last year and it turned out to have mid-grade dysplasia:

After they ask me what I do and I tell them and I also add that I had been in eldercare but wage compression really did a number on the frontline care jobs and destabilized the sector over the past 6-7 years, to where you can make noticeably more dollars an hour at a restaurant than as a CNA or whatever, the one says that she's from a nearby (red state) and that those wage levels were news to her and that the problem doesn't exist back in her (red state) as much, since minimum wage there has been kept down and so it doesn't erode the basic healthcare jobs so much, and then when I added that of course you could find better paying jobs in different roles in eldercare but why would you want to when those backbone jobs have understaffing and a revolving door of staffing and you're in a workplace where lots of preventable falls are happening around you because of that and everything smells like lawsuits, they both nodded their heads and they got it, and they were like, "Yeah, no."

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